Board Homepage

Once approved minutes and agendas will be posted on our website.
As always, the public is welcome to attend any of our Regular Board Meetings.
About Grande Prairie and District Catholic Schools

The role of the Board of Trustees is to discern, advise, advocate, and manage Educational Policies and Strategic Priorities for the Division. The Superintendent incorporates the Policies & Priorities intentionally through a series of Strategic Initiatives undertaken by staff.  In undertaking its role, the Board strives to be pastoral in outlook, developmental in approach, and seeks to initiate, encourage, support, and promote quality Catholic education in its schools.

Alberta School Boards Association provides leadership for all School Boards in the province.
Alberta Catholic School Trustees' Association provides leadership specifically for Catholic School Boards regarding Catholic education.

Regular Board Meetings
At Regular Board Meetings, decisions are made on matters impacting the Strategic Plan, Annual Work Plan, Finances, Property, certain Educational Focus Programs, Catholic Education, the District Three Year Plan, and the Annual Education Results Report. Regular Board Meetings are open to the public. Board Meeting Agendas are posted in advance and minutes are available on the web or by contacting the Board Office at (780) 532-3013.

School Councils
School Councils are advisory groups to the Principal and assist with various events around the schools. At times, a Trustee Representative or the Superintendent will attend to provide information from a Board perspective. As a Board, we strive to meet collectively as a Council of School Councils at least three times a year. We also provide our Councils with information about our Financial Statements and Budget.

The Grande Prairie and District Catholic Schools' Board of Trustees is committed to serving our community by providing the best educational experience. As elected officials, the Board of Trustees advocates for and represents the community at municipal and provincial government levels, and works with the Church and the parent community to promote publicly-funded quality Catholic education.