Student Work Experience Program

What is Student Work Experience?
Work Experience 15–25–35 are separate courses for credit that provide experiential learning activities undertaken by a senior high school student 15 years of age or older as an integral part of a planned school program under the cooperative supervision of an Career Academy Advisor. Students can essentially earn credits while working at their part time job.
This program falls under the cooperative supervision of a Career Academy Advisor and the employer’s onsite representative. It provides students opportunities to:
- apply, in the workplace, knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired through other course work
- discover their career interests and aptitudes in meaningful work activities, situated in community-based work stations and work sites in business, industry, government and community service.
How does my child become involved?
To register for Work Experience or to find out more about the Work Experience program our Career Academy Advisor is ready and eager to help. Simply e-mail David MacPherson at [email protected] to continue your journey towards becoming a Work Experience student.
Student Work Experience Documents
- Contact Mr. MacPherson at: [email protected]
- Call for an appointment at: 780-532-3013 or 780-832-4000
- You can also contact your local high school to reach Mr. MacPherson
FORMS: (Click below)