Green Certificate Program

What is the Green Certificate Program?
The Green Certificate Program was developed by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AAF) as a means of developing human resources for Alberta’s agriculture sector.
The Green Certificate Program was developed by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AAF) as a means of developing human resources for Alberta’s agriculture sector.
AAF continues to be the primary administrator of the Green Certificate Program and continues to be responsible for determining the performance outcomes for each agricultural specialization. However, through a partnership among Alberta Education, AAF and representatives from each of the specializations, each of the Green Certificate specializations has been restructured and is now available as Alberta Education approved courses.
The new Green Certificate courses enable Alberta senior high school students to earn senior high school credits by enrolling in combinations of courses relating to one of the following specializations:
Bee Keeper Production Technician • Cow–Calf Beef Production Technician • Dairy Production Technician • Equine Technician • Feedlot Beef Production Technician • Field Crop Production Technician • Greenhouse Technician • Irrigated Field Crop Production Technician • Poultry Production Technician (Broiler Chicken, Broiler Hatching Egg, Table Egg, and Turkey) • Sheep Production Technician • Swine Production Technician
For detailed information visit: Alberta Education’s Green Certificate Homepage
How does my child become involved?
To register or to find out more about the Green Certificate Program make an appointment today with our Career Academy Advisor, Mr. David MacPherson. Email David MacPherson at [email protected] to continue your journey towards becoming a Green Certificated student. You can also book an appointment in person via the following links: