Benchmarks 2.0 2023

- Upload to Dossier(not Pasi)  GPCSD School assessments: F&P, IPT, Writing sample using Ab.Ed rubric & Ab.Ed Tracking sheet A&B 2pages
  • Tracking sheet A & B (Date achieved) is when Ss has achieved that level completely.  
  • Assessments : IPT gr9-12, & FI
  • Assessments: F& P gr1-8  (using May data of previous year in many cases)
  • Assessments: Writing – Ab.Ed uses the same writing rubrics as Benchmarks 1.0  Writing prompts, Writing Rubrics
  • Ab.Ed funds EAL codes for 5 years: EAL coding should be removed once a student no longer requires EAL programming and instructional support.
  • It is recommended that annual and ongoing language proficiency assessment includes assessment of all four strands (listening, speaking, reading, and writing.)
  • 2 formal pieces of assessments to be gathered in Reading/Writing (min. once per year.)  Reading data is done with either F&P or IPT depending on school and grade level.  Writing is for grades 2-11 use the EAL rubric pages 18-21 or use highlighter.(see example below) 
  • SAVE assessments in dossier (not pasi) which include both writing/reading assessment along with tracking sheet A & B.
  • Tracking sheet B fill out twice a year.  November15 & May 21  (or within 1 month of child arriving)
  • Save Tracking Sheet A/B writable PDF and upload to Dossier, next teacher downloads it and continues working on it.
  • ECS-Gr1: November 15 (speaking and listening only)
  • Gr2-11: all 4 pieces of language will need to be assessed by teacher (speaking, writing, reading, listening) within the tracking sheet A and B and data uploaded in dossier in May. 
  • Gr2-9: November 15: Reading / Writing Assessment to be completed or within one month of new EAL student arriving in your school.
  • Gr10-11 Nov. 15 Reading Comprehension with IPT & Writing Assessments done by Humanities tchr ie:(ELA or Social whichever is in 1st semester)
  • Gr3 FI (1st year of English) Tiered EAL Ss and have Assessments completed by Feb.21 to EAL eligibility. 
  • Gr12 only need IPT as formal assessment.
  • May 22 - All assessments/rubrics and Tracking sheet A&B uploaded to Dossier under student attachments. 
  • May 22  - Data from Tracking sheets inputted into dossier.EAL data